Virtual reality and travel market research

P&O is a 200-year-old British shipping company who transport millions of passengers every year. They wanted to learn more about customer experiences on their ferries in order to make improvements which would increase loyalty and sales. One option was an online qualitative research group however P&O were concerned that self-reporting wouldn’t provide accurate insight about real customer experiences. They therefore chose to use VR customer decisions to provide respondents with stimulus which more accurately reported passenger experiences.

Respondent self-reporting on passenger experiences was raised as a concern 

Real world stimulus production which would immerse respondents in contextual travel experience 

Integration with online qualitative group to obtain more accurate feedback from respondents to inform improvements

P&O ferry


Working with P&O and their research agency, we integrated 360° video into the research so that respondents were immersed in a realistic ferry experience. We created the stimulus onboard a P&O ferry in conjunction with passenger interviews which (whether good or bad) directly informed the virtual  films. These were then edited around specific topics which P&O where interested in, such as food, seating and directions. Our unique VR customer decisions link was added to the panel provider’s survey so respondents could experience virtual reality using their mobile and a Google Cardboard headset. They then commented on that aspect of the travel experience. 

Immersive VR experience created onboard P&O ferry based upon passenger interviews

VR stimulus edited according to specific research topics and service improvement areas

VR customer decisions technology integrated into online panel survey


Respondents were better able to comment on their travel experiences based on stimulated travel journeys. P&O received clear direction about positive and negative travel experiences which informed actions to make future travel more appealing to its customers. They were also able to establish how different aspects of their travel performed against alternative travel options (such as Eurotunnel) and identify where their service superseded competitor experiences and where it underperformed.

VR / 360° video stimulated a more insightful discussion with respondents

P&O identified the strengths and weaknesses of their customer experiences

Learnings integrated into future strategy on how to increase the appeal of ferry travel

In-depth results are subject to Non Disclosure Agreement so not available for publication. The video below provides an idea of the respondent experience and, if you get in touch, we’re happy to demo the full virtual reality experience and it’s integration with the panel provider’s survey.