Behavioural insight with System 1 data

Analyse what people do, not just what they say, with advanced behavioural science insight. Proprietary technology uses AI to measure natural behaviour with AR products and VR stores to diagnose and predict choice based on observational data (as opposed to relying on claimed data alone). Intuitive System 1 data at quantitative scale reduces the Say-Do gap so you can make confident decisions.

Behavioural science technology

Advanced technology analyses real-time movements and interactions to measure how people behave, why they make choices and which new product or store idea they love. The uncomfortable truth is consumers don’t do what they say so our mission is to reduce the Say-Do gap by measuring real human actions in the real world. Implicit surveys and eye-tracking on computer screens don’t measure real consumer behaviour so why compromise business decisions with old methods? 

Product research

Validate the perfect product and pack design

AR products

Case study

Store research

Measure impact of products in store 

VR stores

Case study

Behavioural economic truth

The human brain evolved over millions of years to be a ‘what happens next’ engine. So it’s best to make people feel present in the context of a real situation and measure in-the-moment reactions to get accurate results. Traditional research asks people to remember past purchase decisions or imagine future shopping trips which can produce flawed insight. 

Consumer brands

Accelerate product innovation process

Speak to expert

  • Quickly create, iterate and screen concepts during the product design stage
  • Test multiple packaging designs and functional UX/UI product specs in real world context
  • Align and collaborate with stakeholders around one version of the truth
  • Save time and money validating products ideas before manufacturing physical prototypes
  • Diagnose consumer preferences with behavioural data on interest, engagement and exploration

Research agencies

Integrate new technology into consumer studies

Speak to expert

  • Rapidly scale qualitative stimulus to quantitative consumer research samples
  • Compatible with all research methods, survey software and panel suppliers
  • Increase engagement and enjoyment with participants and respondents
  • Deliver safe and secure studies on mobile phones in people’s homes
  • Combine System 1 insight with self-report data to accurately predict consumer choices 

Validate your retail strategy

Behavioural science technology captures real-time behaviour in VR stores to measure real, intuitive emotions. Unlock rich System 1 insight at quantitative scale with analysis of shopper attention and engagement with the accuracy of eye-tracking in store, but with mobile phones in respondent homes. AI interprets millions of data points to predict and diagnose consumer choice and reduce the Say-Do gap between words and actions. Our dashboard places pioneering consumer insight at your fingertips.

Predict success

Advanced behavioural data insight

  • Interest: attention and time spent dwelling on defined areas of interest which draw the most attention 
  • Viewing priority: which visual elements are noticed and consumed to understand attentional priority
  • Visual scanning: the amount respondents look around the store in order to find target areas
  • Engagement score: overall index of interest, appeal and ease of processing
  • Heatmaps: movements and interactions around store

Validate the perfect product

Proprietary technology captures real-time behaviour with AR products in real world environments. Unlock System 1 insight at quantitative scale with analysis of movement and interactions including the time spent investigating products from different perspectives. AI interprets millions of data points to predict and diagnose consumer choice and reduce the Say-Do gap between words and actions. Our dashboard places pioneering consumer insight at your fingertips.

Predict success

Advanced behavioural data insight

  • Interest: measures whether people make an effort to study the product
  • Involvement: captures motivation to understand more about the product
  • Investigation: shows whether people explored every aspect of the product design
  • Appeal Score: provides an overall measure of preference to screen different designs
  • Heatmaps: show natural movement around products in 3D space



AR products

VR stores 

Behavioural data









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