Our talk at the BHBIA (British Healthcare Business Intelligence Association) Winter Seminar today unpacked Behavioural Economics and Cognitive Science to uncover human behaviour, decision making, irrational choices and consciousness. This year’s seminar at the Royal College of General Practitioners in London focuses on AI from a philosophical aspect. What makes us human, and how intelligent will AI get? How are judgement based choices made? Are morals and ethics inherent or learnt, and can these be applied and displayed through technology?  Dr Ali Goode’s presentation was about AR, VR, AI and Consumer Research working together in an emerging relationship to address human + machine challenges and opportunities. Does 2 + 2 = 5? Ali’s whistle stop tour through Behavioural Economics, implicit testing, reaction time testing and using immerse technology in consumer research helped shed light on the question. The answer? We need to love our brains. Get in touch if you’d like to learn more and are interested in immersive technology (AR and VR) as a consumer research tool to unlock System 1 and non-conscious decisions.